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一篇英语短文改错!May I pay your attention,please?Now we are looking

网站编辑:旺民网 发布时间:2022-08-07  点击数:
导读:一篇英语短文改错!May I pay your attention,please?Now we are looking 一篇英语短文改错!May I pay your attention,please?Now we are looking 76_____for a passenger,Mr Brown,he is from Amercia.And he is 77_____n...

一篇英语短文改错!May I pay your attention,please?Now we are looking

May I pay your attention,please?Now we are looking 76_____
for a passenger,Mr Brown,he is from Amercia.And he is 77_____
now leaving Beijing to America by Flight 2748.But we were 78____
told that Mr Brown had forgotten his passport as well as his 79____
wallet in the Friendship Hotel in which he had stayed. 80____
The manager of the hotel has just called on to tell 81____
us about it.The manager has sent his secretary to bringing both 82____
the passport and the wallet here and he would arrive soon. 83____
Will Mr Brown go to the gate of our airport and wait your 84____
passport and wallet?They will arrive at about ten minutes. 85____
送花的人 1年前他留下的回答 已收到1个回答

AA8836 春芽


May I pay your attention,please?Now we are looking 76 pay--have
for a passenger,Mr Brown,he is from Amercia.And he is 77__he-who___
now leaving Beijing to America by Flight 2748.But we were 78__to-for__
told that Mr Brown had forgotten his passport as well as his 79__forgotten-left__
wallet in the Friendship Hotel in which he had stayed.80__对__
The manager of the hotel has just called on to tell 81 on 删掉
us about it.The manager has sent his secretary to bringing both 82_bringing-bring___
the passport and the wallet here and he would arrive soon.83__would-will__
Will Mr Brown go to the gate of our airport and wait your 84_wait for___
passport and wallet?They will arrive at about ten minutes.85_at-in___



  以上就是小编为大家介绍的一篇英语短文改错!May I pay your attention,please?Now we are looking 的全部内容,如果大家还对相关的内容感兴趣,请持续关注旺民网!


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