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英语翻译To examine the special vibration zone,the detailsof the

网站编辑:旺民网 发布时间:2022-08-07  点击数:
导读:英语翻译To examine the special vibration zone,the detailsof the 英语翻译To examine the special vibration zone,the detailsof the head cover vibration (V) are shown in Figs.7and 8.The results were ob...

英语翻译To examine the special vibration zone,the detailsof the

To examine the special vibration zone,the details
of the head cover vibration (V) are shown in Figs.7
and 8.The results were obtained at the load 540.6
MW and the head 68.3 m with guide vane opening
88.1%.From the time-history plots as shown in Figs.7
(a) and 8(a),it can be seen that the vertical vibration
of the head cover is the strongest.This vibration value
(peak-to-peak amplitudes of vibration) is as large as
165 m,and exceeds the level-2 allowed value
The vibration spectrum shown in Fig.8 (b) reveals a
dominant frequency at 4.56f
(or 5.7 Hz).The
amplitude of the 4.56 multiple-frequency vibration is
84 m.Although the first dominant frequency for the
horizontal vibration is 1.0 multiple frequency (1.25
Hz),the 4.56 multiple frequency becomes the second
dominant one.This special vibration frequency was
confirmed to exist under the load of 530 MW-545
Fig.8 Vertical vibration of head cover at load of 540.6 MW
This special vibration frequency,4.56f
observed in the vibration spectrum for upper and low
brackets,especially in horizontal vibration results,
although the level is not so high.
3.2.2 Pressure fluctuation
As mentioned above,the pressure transducers
located at the inlet of spiral case indicated that the
inlet flow is in good condition whenever the load is
low or high.Figure 9 presents the pressure fluctuation
at the inlet of spiral case at the load of 540.6 MW.It
can be found that the level of the pressure fluctuation
is very low.Simultaneously,the pressure fluctuation
under the head cover exhibits the similar features,as
shown in Fig.10.The amplitude is less than 1 kPa at
this special load.No evident dominant frequency with
large fluctuation level was found for the pressure
fluctuation.However,the pressure fluctuation in draft
tube revealed a different frequency spectrum,as
shown in Fig.11.There is a dominant frequency 4.56f
or 5.70 Hz,in the frequency spectrum in this operating
condition.The amplitude of pressure fluctuation at
this frequency is 13 kPa with the average pressure 148
kPa.This frequency corresponds to the one at which a
strong vibration of head cover exists.
This special vibration frequency,4.56f,was
observed in the vibration spectrum for upper and low
brackets,especially in horizontal vibration results,
although the level is not so high.
3.2.2 Pressure fluctuation
As mentioned above,the pressure transducers
located at the inlet of spiral case indicated that the
inlet flow is in good condition whenever the load is
low or high.Figure 9 presents the pressure fluctuation
at the inlet of spiral case at the load of 540.6 MW.It
can be found that the level of the pressure fluctuation
is very low.Simultaneously,the pressure fluctuation
under the head cover exhibits the similar features,as
shown in Fig.10.The amplitude is less than 1 kPa at
this special load.No evident dominant frequency with
large fluctuation level was found for the pressure
fluctuation.However,the pressure fluctuation in draft
tube revealed a different frequency spectrum,as
shown in Fig.11. mgkbf 1年前他留下的回答 已收到4个回答

abcde190914 网友


This special vibration frequency,4.56f,was observed in the vibration spectrum for upper and low brackets,especially in horizontal vibration results,although the level is not so high.
3.2.2 Pressure fluctuation
As mentioned above,the pressure transducers located at the inlet of spiral case indicated that the inlet flow is in good condition whenever the load is low or high.Figure 9 presents the pressure fluctuation at the inlet of spiral case at the load of 540.6 MW.It can be found that the level of the pressure fluctuation is very low.Simultaneously,the pressure fluctuation under the head cover exhibits the similar features,as shown in Fig.10.The amplitude is less than 1 kPa at this special load.No evident dominant frequency with large fluctuation level was found for the pressure fluctuation.However,the pressure fluctuation in draft tube revealed a different frequency spectrum,as shown in Fig.11.
如上所述,位于水轮机蜗壳进水口处的压力传感器表明,无论载荷高低,进水流量的状况很好.图9显示了荷载为540.6 MW时蜗壳进水口处的压力波动.可以发现压力波动的水平很低.同时,顶盖下的压力波动也显示出类似特征,如图10所示.在这个特殊荷载时的振幅小于1 kPa (千帕).在此种压力波动水平时,没有发现大波动水平下的明显主频.然而,尾水管(吸出管)处的压力波动显示出不同的频谱,如图11所示.



kavans 网友


检查的特殊振动区,细节头罩振动(V)在figs.7and 8所示。在负载540.6mw得到的结果和头68.3米,导叶opening88.1 %。从时间历史曲线显示在图。7(a)和8(一个),可以看出,垂直振动头罩是最强的。这种振动值(峰值振幅的振动)是大as165米,超过2级允许值[ 11 ]。图所示的振动光谱(b)显示在4.56fn主导频率(5.7赫兹)。4.56多个频率的振动的振幅is84 M...



lanhong00 网友


检查特殊振动区,detailsof头部盖振动(V)Figs.7and 8所示。 这个结果在负载540.6 mw和头部与导叶opening88.1% 68.3米。 从时域情节如无花果7(a)和8(一个),可以看到,垂直vibrationof头部盖是最强的。这个振动值(峰振幅的振动)一样大as165米,超过2允许价值[11]。振动谱图8所示(乙)揭示了决定性频率4.56 fn(或5.7赫兹)。Thea...



行云流水9876 网友


和图8 所示的气缸盖罩的振动(V)的详细信息。结果获得了在负荷540.6




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