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英语作文 与老师难忘的事

网站编辑:旺民网 发布时间:2022-08-07  点击数:
导读:英语作文 与老师难忘的事 dxq69 1年前他留下的回答 已收到1个回答 bryant0315 网友 该名网友总共回答了15个问题,此问答他的回答如下:采纳率:86....

英语作文 与老师难忘的事

dxq69 1年前他留下的回答 已收到1个回答

bryant0315 网友


Every September 10th is Teachers' Day. It's a special festival in China which shows great honour to teachers. Today I'd like to use this article as a special present for an unforgettable teacher who changed my life so far. As we know, a good teacher decides [can play a decisive role in shaping (使……成形)] (1) a person's future all his life. To meet a good teacher is one's honour [good luck] (2). Maybe I'm a lucky student. As a pupil in primary school I was very naughty. The teachers didn't like me at all, because I didn't study hard. They said that I would [could] (3) do nothing when I grew up. I felt self-abased (自卑) and began to give up studies. Luckily a new teacher came and changed my life. He was a tall middle-aged man with a big mole (痣) beside the mouth, looking rather strict. At first I was very afraid of him. I was afraid to talk to him. Even when I saw him far away, I just made a detour (绕道而行) ——just because I was a bad child. But the new teacher didn't think so. He tried to talk to me to encourage me. For [When he found] (4) I didn't like to do exercises, he bought a few books for me. At first I was not ready to accept his kindness but after I knew that he had to feed the whole family with only his salary [his whole family relied on his salary] (5) and was very poor, I was deeply shocked. From then on I studied much harder than ever before. I wanted to show them that I could do something when I grew up. The teacher gave me more and more help. At last we became good friends. But, sad things happened. In 1994 the teacher died of cancer at the age of 46. When I heard the news of his death I cried sadly. It was him [he] (6) who gave me a second life at school, helped me to stand up after falling… But I couldn't see him any more. I didn't even have a photo of him. I was really heartbroken. I don't know how to repay my teacher. Today, and every Teachers' Day, I just stand at my desk, look at the books that he bought for me and thank him in silence.“Happy Teachers' Day”. I really hope he could hear me as before. I will never forget him who once saved a little child!



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